My life is in danger of karoshi*... I need a Garris

No idea what I'm talking about? Well, this is my life...

1) My bedtime reading consists of the following: The 7 Secrets of the Highly Effective Manger: How to read a bedtime story to your child in under 3 minutes / The Little Gold Book of Yes! I can work 60 hours a week and still have a life.

2) There are four of us in our relationship. Me, my wife, my blackberry, her blackberry.

3) My spouse tends to greet you with a "Home so early? What's up? Been made redundant?" the day you walk through the door earlier than 9,00pm.

4) A holiday? What's that? Oh yeah, that's when you go to the beach and then spend half your time speaking to the office about that terribly, teribly urgent problem which can only be dealt with by ME.

5) I am a fascinating company in the evening spending most of my time either a) snoring on the sofa b) reading through that report I didn't have time to finish at the office c) checking my emails on my blackberry.

6) I send my English teacher emails at 22,30 from the office. She replies saying "Go home for God's sake!!"

7) I send my English teacher emails at 7,21am. She replies saying "You are completely mad checking your mail at this time!"

8) I am seriously considering a trip to Decathlon to buy a sleeping bag to keep under my desk "just in case". Well, think of all the petrol I'd save if I didn't actually bother going home. What's the point, I'll be back in the office in a few hours anyway.

Me?! A workaholic?!!

Well, actually, there's no need to worry about being one now because according to a study by the American Pyschologists Association carried out a couple of years ago and here I will quote .... GOOD news for aspiring high achievers and borderline workaholics: I may be remiss in friendships and asleep at family meetings, but I will be a big hit in the bedroom...

Men who have difficulties balancing career and home life scored highest in a study of their wives’ or girlfriends’ sexual satisfaction, unveiled last week at the annual gathering of the American Psychological Association.The research challenges the popular notion that spouses of busy men are typically desperate housewives living lonely, unfulfilled lives. They may not see their husbands as much as they like, but when they do, sparks fly.

*karoshi - Japanese word which means death from overwork.

1 comentario:

CHICHO Amperio Terremoto dijo...

Padregurrumino, definitivamente, necesitas una Garris!! ..- y por fin ya está casi aquí!!